My possible future

I love bimbo tattoos like these
I've talked a bit already about myself and what I want to become. But in this post I'd like to go a little deeper into how I see my dream coming true in a possible feature. So here goes:

Eventually I'd like to become someone's bimbo slave. A slave submitting to my Master, trained by him to please him and anyone he wants me to in every way he pleases. Always looking like a bimbo slut, with high heels, big boobs that make it clear I'm nothing more than a sextoy, puffy lips that beg to be wrapped around cock, in the most slutty and bimboish outfits.

I'll always be wearing a slave collar, as a devoted slave, and he might even have added some piercings and tattoos on my body to enhance my status as a bimbo fuckdoll and his property. For example piercing rings in both of my nipples as well as my clithood, to enhance my status as a slut. And one or several tattoos in perhaps some intimate places showing I belong to him as his slave. I love the idea of having such a tattoo right above my pussy, so I can never hide from anyone who's sex slave I am.

I also liked the idea someone once told me of having a barcode or QR code tattooed somewhere, which when scanned, would bring up my bimbo slave webpage featuring all my stats and several pictures of me in the most exposing ways. I would also love to get for example another tattoo right on my lower back and/or the side of my body that is typical for bimbos. Anything to enhance that fake slutty bimbo look together with the BDSM slave elements.

Inside the house I would always be required to dress only in for example stockings and heels and a collar. I also love the idea of having a leash on the collar to be led around, and maybe even have it connected to my nipple piercings and/or clithood piercing.

I love the idea of being completely controlled when it comes to my sexuality. So for example on strict orgasm denial, while constantly being teased to raise my sexual excitement, without being allowed an orgasm. This to ensure I'm always horny and willing at any given moment, due to the constant stimulation, yet also constant being denied to climax. I love the idea of only being allowed to orgasm during extremely degrading and sexually humiliating moments, which can vary from very public places as a way for my master to expose my slutty nature to the outside world, to bondage gangbangs so that I learn to appreciate giving pleasure to others.

To constantly stay in a state of arousal to achieve this, I love the idea of remote controlled devices. So for example vibrating eggs and a butt plug when I go out. Or even a chastity belt with internal vaginal and anal vibrators and a clitoris stimulator to keep me on the edge during the whole day. I love the idea of my master being in complete control of any state of my arousal, and that he can change it whenever he feels like.

On a regular base I'd like to be shared with his friends, colleagues, business partners and even strangers as a fuckdoll. Anybody he sees fit to let me get used by as a submissive sexdoll. He might even demand me to do certain things or give me certain assignments while I'm being used by others, to further enhance my sexual humiliation.

For example he could demand me not to orgasm during a gangbang with his colleagues until all of them had finished cumming inside of me. Or he could demand me to take selfies of my face covered in cum after he lend me out to some of his friends.

Besides being shared, because that's certainly not the only thing I'm interested in, I mostly want to devote my life to serving him. Always pleasing him in every way. This could be by doing the house keeping, possibly in a slutty outfit of his requirement. Making dinner, serving him food, doing the grocery shopping. And I wouldn't mind it at all if he spices these things up with a task.

In general I love doing tasks, to show my devotion to him, no matter how slutty they might be. Anything to prove how much I love him as my Master. He can tell me to go outside grocery shopping in the sluttiest outfits, to serving drinks to him and his guests making it clear to everyone I am nothing more than a fucktoy.

He can demand me to wear toys inside at any time, inside or outside, in private or public. He might just feel like showing me off, or making me cum somewhere in public as part of my humiliation. Anything to make me feel like a slutty bimbo fuckdoll slave.

These are just some of the ideas of how my possible future as a bimbo slave could look like, and hopefully it gives you some insight into what I'm looking for.


  1. Wow some really good ideas. I love the QR code idea. I imagine you're master having an app that when activating the QR it shows everything you've done in the past. You could keep count of how often you cum or how many loads you've walked that day and so on. You could have you masters friends download it and update what they've done to you aswell.

    1. Exactly, but also shows stats and pictures.

    2. I think this qr code should be on your inner thigh near your pussy. It's the perfect spot for a bimbo slut

  2. I am a 40yr old Alpha Dominant from the states. I've read all of your entries that I have found and it seems we very well on the same page. I'd love to talk with you. Drop me a line back and let's see what happens. I live a very Patriarchal lifestyle.

    1. Sounds very interesting. Unfortunately you reply anonymous, so how can I reply?

  3. Hello Bimbo Slut...or do you prefer Barbie Bitch?!!

    I've read your blog and it looks fascinating. Your goal to become a Bimbo is the kind of fetish that works me up, sex me up and makes me so damn horny. I just love a woman who knows her true purpose: to serve her man without question. Just to see how you chose your name (I prefer Barbie Bitch) tells me you have the right frame of mind.

    I noticed that when you described what it would be like being a Bimbo, you left out that Bimbos are usually quite dumb. Was it on purpose ? Maybe you don't like that idea. For myself, I LOVE that kink ! Just imagine...turning a intelligent woman like yourself into a Dumb Bimbo Bitch...a Bitch who would follow orders with nice slaps to her ass ! There are ways to make a slut act stupidly...I think it would suit nicely to the training I think you deserve.

    You said you are a Fansadox too !! My favoured artist is Erenisch. Maybe we can discuss some ideas and actions found in those comics. It would be interesting to see what turns you on the most.

    Hope to hear from you Barbie Bitch.

    1. Actually, I do prefer the word slut. I don't know exactly why. Perhaps it's because bitch sounds more unfriendly, and slut sounds more sexual and degrading at the same time.

      I don't have any interest in being dumbed down however. I understand why other bimbos want that, but it's just not me. I don't like the idea of being dumb, I just love the idea of being submissive, and for me becoming a bimbo is a logical step into becoming and being submissive, as the ultimate physical way of devoting myself to my Dom.
      Most submissives only focus one the way they act and dress, while their physical appearances is left very much unchanged. While I would think that if you want to be the perfect slave for your Master, also the physical aspects should change. In my case to reflect the perfect wet dream of every man by becoming a bimbo.

      I like Erenisch, but prefer Fernando more though.

  4. You have a very interesting vision of your future. How far would you go for him? Would you accept XXL boobs the size of your head? Would you accept to only have a few orgasms a year? How many would you accept? Once a week, once a month, once per quarter, once a year, beeing completely orgasmless? Would you accept strict consequences for braking rules? What about corner time, spanking, writing lines or essays? Would be interesting to know how far you would go, based on the idea that you already trust your partner/master 110%

    1. Here's the thing. People always ask me how far I would go for him. The thing is I would do anything for the right person. But the right person is also the person that has the same limits as me.

      And since I'm not into boobs the size of my head, that's something that would never happen. I want to stay sexually attractive, not to be turned into a ridiculous cartoon character. Men should want to fuck me, not laugh at me.

      But I would accept only a few orgasms a year. And I would accept strict consequences for breaking the rules.

    2. I think it's impossible to find the perfect matching partner in any aspect and it's more likely to find Mr. Right if you focus on the aspects that are most important for you.

      What kinds of rules would you accept? Only rules that are related to sex, would you accept that it is your job to take care of the household, food, cleaning clothes and things like that? Would you accept rules that really restrict your day to day freedom, like only having the freedom of a 7 years old kid or something like that? Of course only if you feel happy and save with your partner.

      What kinds of punishment would you accept? I think it should be something that you REALLY want to avoid. What about spankings, or corner time or massive loss of privileges? How far would you go?

      Thanks in advance for your answers.

    3. I would have no problem with rules like that. I love rules like those.
      I also would have no problems with punishments like that, although I think orgasm denial can be a very powerful punishment.

  5. My dream!! I wanna be a bimbo slut!!!!

  6. You could receive a T-shirt in the post that has 3 QR codes - one to link to this blog, one to link to your videos on pornhub, and another to link to the remote vibrator which you receive with the t-shirt to be worn at all times.

  7. It sounds like you want to spend 100% of your waking hours in subspace. I'm not sure whether that's practical in everyday real life, but- if you can find someone with the time and money to do a lifestyle relationship, someone who has the patience, the enthusiasm, and the means... then GO FOR IT!! =^_^=


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