Orgasm control, denial and edging

This is one of my favorite things. The idea of being in constant orgasm denial after edging for a long period. It's one of the things that drive me absolute crazy, and might be the best way to train me into submission. That's because I'll do almost anything for a sexual release once I'm really turned on. 

There is however one problem, I suck at self control. I have like zero self control. And therefore I can't edge to keep myself denied for any period of time without strict guidance and instructions. Once I get going and I get close to an orgasm, I just simply can't help myself and have to make myself cum.

A result of this is that I've tried edging, but failed at every attempt. I really need someone to take control over me in this. So I get many guys asking me how many times I've edged, the answer is simple: zero times. I'd love to edge, but you'd have to strictly enforce that upon me, since I don't have the self control to do this.

But I absolutely love the idea of being in a constant state of orgasm denial, right on the verge of climax. Like I said, I'll do almost anything for a sexual release once I'm close. So here lies a great opportunity to push my limits and train me into doing almost anything. Of course the longer I'm on denial, the more willing and desperate I'll probably be, and therefore easier to mold and train in hopes of being allowed to climax.

I always say that the true key to my submission lies within my pussy. And I literally mean this. The key to my submission is in whoever can control my orgasm the best. So the better you'll be able to make me edge, and keep me horny, needy and denied, the better you'll be able to control me.


  1. I very like your ideas and your attitude. Please check your emails, I contacted you via your gmail address. Merlin

  2. How often do you check your email that you have listed here? I can teach you to reach your denial goals, but you are going to have to work for it. Email me back if you are interested. I know deep down you are haha.

  3. i'd lock you in a chastity belt and bra, with a remote controlled vibe in your pussy so i could tease you endlessly.


  5. I love to edge to be driven to that point and then to be denied drives me wild and to be in control of someone
    Elses pleasure is so hot and your imagination goes deeper and wider then you ever thought possible. So would enjoy getting more if your interested


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