How to make me your slave

Lots of times I get people messaging me that they want to dominate me, while others seem to take forever before they take the lead. So I thought this would be a good moment to talk about how I think things should progress from start to finish. The start being the first online contact, the finishing being my dream goal: to become a bimbo slave.

So let's start with the beginning. If you think sending me messages demanding me to this or that from the start, you're lacking experience and knowledge about BDSM. Go back and read up on how it works, try some stuff with other girls first and come back later. You can't start demanding stuff from me yet, because you don't know me yet. So the first step, like with anyone, is to first get to know each other. See this like any other relationship, you need to invest time in the other person, you need to get to know the other person before you can move on. This takes time, and might or might not always work out.

I'm not going to meet people in real life before having talked with them for a while online. I first want to get a sense of whom I'm dealing with, before taking the next step. That doesn't mean there isn't anything we can't do, but not until after we got to know each other a little better. The first thing is just getting to know each other, so you know what makes the other person tick, and you understand them and what they're looking for, and the other way around, before you can actually start doing anything.

But once the introduction period is over, you can start with an online relationship. This is good for two reasons. First of all to test and see if you really match on a kink level, secondly because meeting someone from abroad takes time and planning, which nobody should rush into.

During the online relationship of course you can start planning your first real life meeting. You can actually use your online relationship to built towards that. And once the time is there, we can meet in real life. From there on out I expect people to know what they're doing, especially if it's come this far already that we're meeting in real life.

But don't come messaging me what clothes I'm wearing, while you don't even know me. Talk like a normal person first, get to know me first. Then we can start doing some online stuff, once we both agree on that. And after that we can meet in real life. For safety reasons (there's a lot of crazy people out there), I'm not going to meet with every idiot that sends me a message. No offence, but I ain't stupid.


  1. Well i think you mix very well the old and new times... i guess that you want a good partner that supports you without hipocrisy about sex and money...

    I think its very hard find someone like that... because good qualities are very rare and have a lot of people behind... you offer really sex fantasies and until now you dont specify your ideal one... age, physical apareance, origin, values, etc... the good side its that you cannot put limits.... the bad its like a lot dont offer that you need

    In free social networks the 99% are losers and brokw people.... most diff in find some of level for "bimbo" (bimbo is bad mean to you because its italian and refer sexy but dumb girls)

    Men that have economical power rarely are in the web... because they are earning money or wasting at real life

    In my country a lot of people pays to girls for chat with them.... because a girl that understand the dark side of men sex are very few and i recognize that implies a lot of patience

    You are smart... think that you will open a OF account or some similar... some magazines can pay you as advicer or fantasies teller...

    I wish you a lot of sucesses and hapiness that will find the best positive way for your goal

  2. I love the information you give us. Helps narrow down if you are what we want.

  3. Love your post, your taste in girls are fantastic. You're ideas about the bimbo you want to be is a great one.

    I feel that to become a Dom is a great honor. Out of the 1000s of men the woman chooses to submit to you.

    From my experience introducing a fantasy into reality doesn't always work out the way you want them to. Sometimes you feel like this is what I want, then try it and realize, wait I didn't like this.

    I guess the first step is to look inside and ask yourself is it in your innate nature to be a Dom or Sub, or somewhere in between. The internet can teach us to be Dominate but, is it who we really are.

    Like you mentioned some guys act dominant but, underneath it's not who they are. Lol...same can go for many girls online who act online that they are a Bimbo/sub but, innately it's not who they are.

    Innately, I know I am more dominant in nature. However, they can be various Dom types. I feel, I am more of a Daddy type more caring, playful, to be her rock, to discipline if she steps out of line/bratty.

    From my experience my relationships have a started sexual. They fizzle out and in the long run never worked. I realize now that before the sexual/Dom/sub/Daddy/babygirl or whatever relationship you desire to be in. The first fundamentals of the relation has to flourish first. Emotional intimacy, trust, friendship, love. Once a solid foundation is created then one can move to the next step.

    Lol... well, for me I'm going to try that route. Clearly, the sexual route then relationship hasn't worked out to well for me.


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