Orgasm control, denial and edging

This is one of my favorite things. The idea of being in constant orgasm denial after edging for a long period. It's one of the things that drive me absolute crazy, and might be the best way to train me into submission. That's because I'll do almost anything for a sexual release once I'm really turned on. There is however one problem, I suck at self control. I have like zero self control. And therefore I can't edge to keep myself denied for any period of time without strict guidance and instructions. Once I get going and I get close to an orgasm, I just simply can't help myself and have to make myself cum. A result of this is that I've tried edging, but failed at every attempt. I really need someone to take control over me in this. So I get many guys asking me how many times I've edged, the answer is simple: zero times. I'd love to edge, but you'd have to strictly enforce that upon me, since I don't have the self control to do this. But I abs...